BUUSD Budget Revote September 17
Think. Create. Share. Grow! The goal of the library program is to foster the skill set necessary for students to succeed as life-long learners, enthusiastic readers, independent thinkers, knowledge creators, and problem solvers who think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly within our digital world. Our library provides students and teachers with a rich collection of fiction and non-fiction materials that span genres, reading levels, and curricular areas.
Library Hours: 7:35-3:05
Library services are available to all students through library classes or a mobile library cart visit. Please contact us if your child has any specific requests. Books can always be returned to your child's classroom.
"The school library, almost exclusively, is the one place where a child is free to seek out books based on her, or his, intellectual appetite; this freedom to pursue knowledge on one's own terms is the cornerstone of learning for the pure joy of it." Carmen Agra Deedy
PebbleGo Research (User Name: barre / password: read)
Britannica School (User Name: btmes / Password: research)
Country Reports (User Name: btmes / Password: barretown)
Tumblebooks (User Name: barretown / Password: books)
BookFlix. (a new online literacy resource that pairs classic video storybooks from Weston Woods with related nonfiction eBooks from Scholastic to build a love of reading and learning. The engaging way to link fact and fiction, BookFlix reinforces early reading skills and introduces children to a world of knowledge and exploration).
User name: btme Password: bookflix