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Anne Leeds

Did you know that BTMES has its own art gallery? We do! The Gallery at Barre Town currently has 5 new exhibits on display.

Silly Shape Face Collage Students in Mrs. Ball's kindergarten worked with basic shapes to develop drawing, cutting, and assembling skills while using their imagination to organize shapes into recognizable faces.

Mixed Media Collage of Barre Students in Ms. Attig's 1st grade used various steps to create these charming interpretations of their hometown.  First, they learned how to mix colors to make a background.  Next, they painted a textured surface to look like snow or grass.  Finally, they looked at pictures of Barre to match the colors and details of buildings, sculptures, and land features.

Robot vs. Monster! Students in Mrs. DiCicco's 2nd grade class learned about shape families.  They used geometric shapes to create a robot.  Then, they used organic shapes to make a monster.  Finally, they painted their artwork to show the differences between shapes.

Bas-Relief Tree Students in Mrs. Charissakis' 4th grade class learned to draw the branches of trees.  Next, they used that skill to draw on tooling Foil.  Finally, they added black paint to their artwork to create a patina effect, making it look older.

Design Lab Puppets! Our 8th grade students started the year creating puppets! Students began this project by sketching their character ideas, making a digital version of the puppet's base pieces to be laser cut, and then using the laser cut cardboard pieces to build the base of their puppets. Once they created the armature, they added finishing details like fabric, eyes, hair, noses, and accessories to complete their unique characters.